A massive Meta services outage hit Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram late Wednesday night, leaving users unable to access these platforms for hours. The outage began around 11 PM IST, affecting millions worldwide. Meta’s engineering team reported that 99% of the issue had been resolved, attributing the problem to a “technical issue” without elaborating on the exact cause.
What Happened During the Outage?
Users faced login errors on Facebook and Instagram, while WhatsApp messages failed to send. Some reported complete inaccessibility of the Facebook website, with error prompts preventing login. According to experts, such widespread outages are often linked to misconfigurations in routing protocols or server infrastructure errors.
Meta’s Response and Resolution
Meta acknowledged the problem on X (formerly Twitter), stating, “We’re aware that a technical issue is impacting some users’ ability to access our apps.” The company later assured users that they were “99% of the way there” in fixing the problem. The outage was resolved after engineers conducted final checks.
Earlier Meta Outages in 2024
This was not Meta’s first outage this year. In March, users faced issues logging into Facebook and Instagram due to a glitch that incorrectly flagged passwords as invalid.
OpenAI Also Hit by a Global Outage
Coincidentally, OpenAI’s ChatGPT and related services like the API and Sora video generator also experienced a global outage on Thursday morning. OpenAI identified the issue and assured users they were rolling out a fix.
Why Do These Outages Happen?
Outages like these are common for complex digital systems operating at scale. Experts emphasize that while disruptive, quick identification and resolution are what matter most for maintaining platform reliability.
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