In the News Headlines Now Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was injured after an intruder broke into his Bandra residence early Thursday morning. The shocking incident occurred around 2:30 am, leading to a scuffle between the actor and the trespasser. Khan sustained six injuries, including a deep wound near his spine. He is currently undergoing emergency surgery at Lilavati Hospital.
Intruder Breaks into Saif Ali Khan’s Bandra Home
In a surprising turn of events, an unidentified individual entered the Satguru Sharan building, where Saif resides with his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan and their children. The intruder attacked Saif, causing a commotion that woke up the rest of the family. However, the suspect managed to flee the scene before being caught.
Saif Ali Khan’s Condition: Latest Updates
Lilavati Hospital COO Dr. Niraj Uttamani provided insights into Saif’s injuries. According to him, two wounds were deep and needed immediate medical attention. Despite one injury being near the spine, Saif is able to move his limbs, which indicates that no spinal damage occurred.
Police Investigation in Full Swing
Meanwhile, the Bandra police have registered an FIR and formed several teams to track down the culprit. A senior IPS officer shared, “We are actively investigating the matter and working closely with the Mumbai Crime Branch to uncover more details.”
Family Offers Unwavering Support
During the incident, Kareena Kapoor Khan and the couple’s two sons, Taimur and Jeh, were present in the house. Currently, they are with Saif at Lilavati Hospital, offering their support and standing by him during this difficult time.
About Saif Ali Khan
Saif Ali Khan, the son of Bollywood legend Sharmila Tagore and cricket icon Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, made his acting debut in 1993 with Parampara. Over the years, he has delivered memorable performances in movies like Dil Chahta Hai, Omkara, and Tanhaji.
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