Sukhbir Singh Badal, leader of the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD), faced a dramatic incident at the Golden Temple in Amritsar on December 2, 2024. An alleged Khalistani activist, Narayan Singh Chaura, reportedly fired a shot near the temple’s entrance while Badal was participating in religious penance, as mandated by the Akal Takht. The incident caused panic, but fortunately, no one was injured. Police promptly arrested the assailant, ensuring the situation remained under control.
Penance Amid Controversy
The Akal Takht imposed a religious punishment, or tankhah, on Sukhbir Singh Badal and other SAD leaders earlier this year. This was for pardoning the controversial Dera Sacha Sauda chief, Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, in 2007. Despite a fractured leg, Badal participated in cleaning and serving duties at the Golden Temple. Wearing traditional attire, he fulfilled his penance as an effort to seek forgiveness for alleged misdeeds during his tenure as Punjab’s Deputy Chief Minister.
Security and Political Reactions
The attack has raised serious concerns about security at one of Sikhism’s holiest sites. Amritsar police assured the public that robust measures were in place. However, the incident brought attention to ongoing tension surrounding Punjab’s religious and political issues. Badal expressed gratitude for his safety and emphasized his respect for Sikh traditions.
A Polarizing Moment
The event underscored lingering grievances over the SAD’s governance between 2007 and 2017. Badal’s participation in penance sparked mixed reactions. Some appreciated his efforts to reconcile with the Sikh community. Others questioned the sincerity of his actions.
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Also read our article on Why Badal has been declared “Tankhaiya” by Akal Takht.